
Showing posts from August, 2020


Hello. My name is Emerald, I’m currently a liberal studies major with a minor in English. For right now, my plan is to become a teacher, but who knows what the future holds. I am also a mother of four children, the youngest of which is four and he is a handful. He has us on our toes. My oldest is a senior in high school and I feel bad that she won't experience the traditional senior year things. This pandemic stinks. I recently started listening to podcasts and my favorite is called "Crime Junkie". It did, however, give me little bit of anxiety. I am now constantly looking over my shoulders and suspicious of everyone. The piece of art that I found interesting was the Buddha of Medicine Bhajshajyaguru from the Yuan dynasty. One can almost imagine how vibrant the colors once were on this enormous piece. It kind of resembles the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci to me. There are so many distinct types of lines. It is mind-blowing to think how they created these incredible